Saturday, September 5, 2020

October Can't Come Soon Enough

So it sounded like Donald Trump has, repeatedly, told his followers to vote twice. More police officers were charged with killing black men, such as Daniel Prude. An article in The Atlantic reports that the Commander in Chief didn't know who the US fought with in World War I, didn't know why anyone would join the US military, referred to those who did as "suckers," allegedly referred to military members who died as "losers" and refused to visit a WWI US cemetery in France fearing the bad weather would mess up his hair. There's a new doctor in charge of the White House's COVID response. His name is Scott Atlas and his specialty is radiology. Yes, like MRI and CAT scans. He has no background in infectious diseases. He does have a background on speaking negatively about wearing masks and social distancing on the FOX network. He thinks people should catch the virus, get sick. Get immune (if they survive). It's called "herd immunity."And those are just a few things that have happened in the last 72 hours.

This is the end of week 2 of the 100% online (to date) Fall semester. Smooth as a baby's bottom. No hiccups. Of course, I've been offering classes online since 2006 so this isn't new to me. New, however, and unanticipated nonetheless, to many of my on-campus students who suddenly find themselves as online students. The plan was to start the semester 100% online, then move back to campus the week of October 4th, provided the numbers are down.

The numbers are down because testing is down, yet the fatalities are rising. Locally and nationally. There are 1,411 deaths as of September 4th in Houston and 188,000 deaths in the US. By the way, Trump did call for Obama to resign during the Ebola pandemic. Three Americans died during that pandemic. 3.


My on-campus students cannot wait for October. Neither can I. I have three on-campus classes. In those three classes 100% of the students have voiced their desire to return to the classroom. The problem, however, is that only nine (9) students will be allowed to attend class. The rest will have to log in. Not unlike what they are doing now but instead of me doing my shtick at home, I will be in the limelight in my classroom. And then, in a method that has yet to be determined, those who were online would be able to be in person the next time we meet. The on-campus classes are limited to 18 students, and as the rooms will be limited to nine students, then it makes sense that half of the class will be in person on the first day we meet and the other half will be in person the second day we meet. 

Of course, life is not that simple. There will be times in which students are sick, have to work, take their kids to appointments, and for whatever reason miss "their turn" at coming to campus. So what will be the procedure then? The college is hammering out all of that and will announce the procedure soon, I presume, in order to allow everyone time to adjust to the new order of doing things. If all goes according to plan, we will return to campus four weeks from this Monday -Labor Day.

Monday, September 8th is Labor Day.  Enjoy your long weekend. Keep social distancing. Mask up! 

Labor Day Parade, New York City, 1882


  1. In my opinion, our president is the biggest imbecile that has ever walked this great planet. The comments he makes sounds like an Onion Article headline. If only impeachment meant anything. The fact that he has publicly disavowed the professionals that handle infectious diseases and inserted individuals who are willing to sacrifice someones family or friend is disheartening. My father served in the Army for 20 years and I was born in West Point, NY because of that. In my opinion, what he said about WW1 vets and soldiers who passed in battle fighting for this country is treason and he should be punished to the fullest extent. As a registered conservative I will not be voting right ever again. He will never have my support nor respect. My mother is a Professor in North Carolina and she is having to teach what they are calling hybrid classes which entail half online and half traditional learning. I get worried about her safety constantly. I enjoy the online learning because it helps with my busy work schedule. I hope your students adjust to the online learning, it takes a while but at the end of the day progress is being made!

    1. I whole hardly agree with you that or President is the most ridiculous person on earth AND he is allowed oversee an entire country! The fact that he was made aware of COVID in January and did not have the audacity to do anything about it until March is his biggest disgrace yet. We are now over 200,000 American deaths, what would the number have been had he jumped on it in January? It makes you wonder and sad to think something more could have been done. I come of from a family of teachers as well and we all seem to be worried. Most of my teacher family members are keeping their children home but are being forced back into a scary unknown situation. Like Dr. JRN said, life is not simple, and people will get sick, but I feel it was not important to our President to make things happen sooner. When do American people become first in his eyes?

      PSA: REGISTER TO VOTE BY OCTOBER 5. Early voting begins October 13 and you can vote at any location until November 3. Your voice matters!

    2. I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. I do not have direct family members who served but I do find ridiculous about what he stated about WW1 vets and solders. Also the point that you made in regards to him doubting any of the professionals who are currently handling the whole pandemic situation is absurd. Since he claims that it is all a hoax yet there are many people who continue losing their lives due to the whole pandemic. Something which could have been controlled at an earlier time had he done proper protocol instead of telling Americans to inject themselves with Lysol or Clorox.

    3. I agree with all three of you guys in regard to Mr. Trump being a ridiculous president. I believe that he always tends to run to twitter in situations where he needs to be there for our country. In the situation where Ebola struck out, Trump immediately bashed Obama on twitter claiming it was Obama's fault that 3 Americans died. This shows that Trump is a hypocrite because thousands of Americans died during the corona outbreak on his watch. He is also childish for always tweeting on twitter when he dislikes something, when in reality he should by trying top help us citizens and trying to prevent this outbreak from spreading even more.

    4. I think we all agree that yeah, Trump is a clown. I agree that he is always on social media and just making very ridiculous president that seems like he doesn't know what he is doing. He likes to start drama and always make it worse on his own citizens. I have gotten so many emails and mail to vote! I hope everyone has registered to VOTE. Like Jonathan said OUR VOICE MATTERS

    5. I agree with you a million percent. He is taking is job as a joke and making this country out to be a joke. The only good thing that has come out of this is now you see peole for who they really are. The ractist people are coming out more, the liars, the ones that love to do horrible scandals are all being let out for the world to see. A true president WOULD NEVER carry themselves the way that Trump does. Always on social media lying and making a mockery out of anyone and anything. It's sad and truly disgusting the type of person he is. Plese don't even get me started on the debate. I also think him having COVID is a flat out cry for more attention and pitty.

    6. 2. You know I’m glad we all get to have opinions. I really do agree with just about everything you have said. Its really a disgrace when the PRESIDENT of the country cannot acknowledge the past vets from WWI. This speaks of such about his character on so many different levels. What also shows about the type of person he is fact he knew about COVID in January and did nothing until matters got worst. I get it you can be rude to anyone you want but don’t jeopardize the wellbeing and safety of the people of this country. He is a reactive type of person and we need a person who has a plan, an effective plan.

    7. I feel where you are coming from when it comes to Trump its hard to understand him at times, but he does work for the American people, even tho media would say otherwise. Question? What’s a “onion article headline”? I need to look that up! But back to you comment, that I would disagree with. I don’t think trump is disingenuous to the medical field. It seems that Trumps views or way of doing things is a little to different for most, but not new? Now I didn’t hear his comments on our troops but I’ll say this if you read or hear that from a left wing source I’ll suggest you research what really happen. But if it is true, sad just sad. The man is doing his best with bullies all around telling lies because their sore loser!

  2. West Point? Interesting. I was born on Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland as my father was in the Air Force.

  3. President Trump is many things; one thing that we should agree on is the fact that he is not a "true ‘President. Trump is a president for his supports and that is it! As the United States of American we all need to come together and get that man out of officer. He is making the USA look like a reality TV show to many other nations. The number of deaths due to COVID-19 is absolutely horrifying and the numbers keep growing! I wish there was more that we could do so we could get him out of office before something catastrophic happens. There are many USA citizens that are in the government that do have the best interest for the public but I feel that Trump disregards how he makes the good people look when he embarrasses our nation.

    1. I could not agree with you more. “President” Trump is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the United States of America. Anyone with common decency (good, moral, acceptable behavior) would see that his reactions and actions to issues going on, for example, COVID- 19, racial injustice, and affordable healthcare, to name a few- which are all affecting the American people is blatantly unacceptable. Instead of approaching concerns and problems in a logical manner and taking accountability during these turbulent times – the blame is put on someone else other than him. Unfortunately, there are people who support and condone his unethical behaviors; however, we can change the trajectory for the next four years by voting! His actions time and time again have showed that his priorities are NOT the American people, but instead are the wealthy and himself.

    2. I see how you may feel that way, Trump is the 45th president your president and he should be treated as such. A president is suppose to cater to his constituents so would you think he’s for one party, when he’s done business with both sides? Now I do agree we all need to come together but not for the removal of this president. I know some call him crazy but he has done something I never would have thought could happen. So to me I’m good with number 45.

    3. As you have said, Donald Trump does not fit the title of President, He is a childish, arrogant, ignorant person. I believe he is just a silver spoon man child who wanted publicity and suddenly ended up as the president. To this day, I find extremely horrifying that people got that man into office. I agree with the fact that he is an embarrassment of a president and he is making the USA a laughable sitcom. He did not handle and is not handling the pandemic in an effective way and he has expressed multiples times that he does not take responsibility and “it is what it is”. We need to get him out of office and the best we can do is by voting, because that is our voice and how we can most effectively be heard. We need to further encourage people to make their own research and vote accordingly. We need to vote for individuals whose interests are for the people and while we are at it we need to get rid of the two party system because we as humans are complex individuals that views cannot be summed up into two options.

    4. First of all Donald Trump may be our president but have you sat down and really think about the careless and ignorant person he really is? it is crazy how people support such a childish clown to run in the office. he doesn't care about you or anybody. he only cares about him self. for instance, this pandemic we are currently in. he says that everything is fine but in reality he doesn't want us to freak out because if he tells us the real numbers of deaths and the truth behind all of this. He is going to look bad and that is exactly what he does not want. I agree that we do indeed need to vote for individuals whom knows what they are actually doing. someone that has genuine intentions to make America great again.

    5. I 100% agree with you, I still don’t understand how he even became a president in the first place. I really believe if we do come together, we can easily get him out the office this year with no doubt in mind. COVID-19 numbers shouldn’t even be high, because we seen the numbers slowly go up, but Trump did not want to make the call, because of “money” and thinking COVID-19 was fake. Trump actions are sad, how can he act like so childish when our lives are in his hands!?!?! Hopefully people are woke enough to use their voice to vote.

    6. I am not very into politic. But I have to agree that Trump does not fit to be the president. The fact that we know about COVID-19 since January as it was all over the news, and he did not take any precaution at all, it is a disgrace. For a short pan of few months, America got from just about 30 cases to the MOST cases in the WORLD, surpassing China where the virus originally came from, showcase just how incapable our president is. Not only that, whatever piece of news he doesn't like, he is calling them fake news to the point where people "facts check" for him and he still refuse to believe. He might have done some good things for the American that I did not know about, but I am for sure he has done more damage to the country than his good deeds if he even ever did any.

    7. President Trump is many things; one thing that we should agree on is the fact that he is not a "true ‘President. Trump is a president for his supports and that is it! As the United States of American we all need to come together and get that man out of officer. He is making the USA look like a reality TV show to many other nations. The number of deaths due to COVID-19 is absolutely horrifying and the numbers keep growing! I wish there was more that we could do so we could get him out of office before something catastrophic happens. There are many USA citizens that are in the government that do have the best interest for the public but I feel that Trump disregards how he makes the good people look when he embarrasses our nation.

    8. Perhaps President Trump is most well-known for the extravagant style of speaking. He was conservative, especially about this pandemic; he has always been preserving his optimistic perspective about it. The United States would be more well-prepared for this pandemic, and the numbers would not get out of control if he reconsiders his stance. In 1492, Europeans also brought deadly diseases into America, which killed a lot of Native Americans. Since the technology and knowledge about contagious diseases were inadequate back then, it led to the lack of precautions and prevention methods. However, we are facing COVID-19 in the 21st century; I expected President Trump to respond to the issue faster than what he did because we have learned from many disease outbreaks in the past. Recently, President Trump tested positive for COVID-19, yet he continues to tell people not to be afraid of the virus because he was able to recover from it. However, his speech was inaccurate since more than 200,000 Americans have died because of the coronavirus at this point. Therefore, we should be highly cautious about the virus until the vaccines are available.

    9. I agree that Donald Trump is not fit for his title, he literally makes the United states look like a joke. He didn't take COVID seriously from the very beginning and while all other countries are recovering from the virus the United States is just getting worse. I hate that it was not taken serious, i feel that if he would've taken it serious from the very beginning, it wouldn't have got as bad as it is now. Trump takes his twitter way more serious than the problems in the U.S. Even though more than enough lives were lost due to COVID it's still not taken seriously, which is sad because people still support him even though he clearly shows that he does not care about the Americans.

  4. I am so glad I am not into politics. The police killing blacks is nothing new, it is just history repeating itself. Donald Trump was wrong for saying “Americans who died in was are ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’, I bet he offended a lot of people. The fact that he did not want to visit the WWI US cemetery because of his hair is hilarious, just take off the toupee. I believe that the government made COVID, and they are just trying to wipe out half of the world’s population. Online classes has it’s pros and cons but just because of the pandemic I think it is better for everybody to stay home and way from everybody because there could be people not knowing they have COVID and just spreading it everywhere.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am not into politics myself which is disappointing to say because I want to know the chaos that is happening around our country. Though what stops me most times is that I either do not have the time to sit and gather that information, or I cannot handle the craziness that is happening around us. As much as Donald Trump rattled people with his comments, unfortunately, there are still people/soldiers that follow behind him for using such words against the US’ protection. Not to say that you are incorrect, but why and how do you believe the government created COVID-19? Do you believe it was the US’ creation, or someone else's?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Same here, politics gives me a headache. It is very disrespectful and insensitive of Donald Trump to say such things about Americans who are serving their country. The government may have directly exacerbated the COVID-19 situation, but to say the government made COVID-19 is a far-fetched idea. What made you think that the government wants to get rid of half of the world's population? While the result of COVID-19 will solve the overpopulation and climate change issue, how do they determine who lives and dies? Such a preposterous idea would have too many unaccountable variables to consider. Except for necessary services, I do agree with you that people should stay home to avoid any potential threats from COVID-19.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I strongly agree with you about the fact that history should not need to repeat itself, especially with the police brutality against people of different ethnic groups. Religion needs to stop the consistent death caused by unnecessary racial profiling against mainly toward black people. We had enough of the violence and extreme racism for many years and we don’t need to experience it all over again. In addition to the disrespect towards our veterans who went through all of the pain and loss of friends in WWII, our Commander in Chief has called casualties of war “losers and suckers” is deeply disrespectful.

    7. I agree with some of your post, such as trump offending a lot of people by saying such things about the military. Back in 2016, People in the Military preferred Trump to Hillary. Now that he has alienated them, they will most likely not vote for him again. This is one reason why I believe that he will not win the 2020 election. However, I cannot agree with your claim that the Coronavirus was made by "the" government. Firstly, which government? There are many in the world, and unless there is some shadowy world government in the background, don't agree with each other. Secondly, if you were a world government, why would you want to kill half your population? It sounds like a bad reimagining of Infinity War. If I were in this "governments" shoes, I would just focus on cutting down food waste, the introduction of contraceptives to third-world countries, infrastructure, and interplanetary colonization.

    8. I agree with most points in your post that convey how Trump essentially just lives for offending people who aren't himself, and how insensitive he is towards almost every minority group in America, especially black people. The discrepancy I have with your comment though is you state how thankful you are that you are not into politics, but not being involved in trying to reform and help the immense travesties that people in this country are facing right now is not something anyone should be thankful for. In fact, I feel as though your comment was quite insensitive when mentioning how police killing 'blacks' is nothing new. Referring to black people in this manner is a microaggression against them, and should not be thrown around casually as you did in your statement. Even though I disagree with your delivery, I do believe that we can all come to a consensus that Donald Trump is ruining many people’s lives in front of our eyes which is why we need to get out and vote!

    9. I also do not follow politics much, some say thats a bad thing. i do not watch news or keep up with whats going on with the presidents. Honestly i do not need to even watch the news or keep up to know, almost everyone talks about things going on in the world and thats how i know. I personally feel that living my life how i do i feel a lot more peaceful, watching the news is so stressful and i live one day at a time. Social media also has a big influence on whats going on around the world. The things i hear and see about Donald Trump are just mind blowing. I do follow news outlets on social media and hear from my parents so i know enough to know that he can be very disrespectful and childish.

    10. I am very active in today’s politics and I completely respect your opinion on these issues regardless of your familiarity or not. I would like to say a few things regarding your comment. You’re right about your comments on “police killing blacks” being an issue in the sense that racial division and tension has always been present and there are implicit biases our uniformed forces may have for minorities. I also agree that President Trump can be insensitive on topics and to the common American eye he isn’t a traditional politician. I agree that online school has pro’s and con’s that vary. I also want to say that precautions are very important and regardless of the origin of the virus, most reporting it to be from China, we must carry on the best we can. One can hope this next election breeds new life and unity for us, regardless of winner.


    11. I’m right with you. I’m not one for politics, but I will say that America’s current president is not fit for the job. I have no idea about the specifics, but what I do know is that the world is going from bad to worse. He sets a horrible example as to how Americans should feel about this pandemic. He’s rude, disrespectful, and won’t even wear a mask. The government isn’t any better. They knew about this virus way before hence the ‘ 19’ part of covid-19 and the only reason everything opened up was for economical purposes. Trump doesn’t care about the people, just the power.

    12. Just like you, I may not be into politics, nor do I like to talk about it, even if I must do it (but still don’t have to like it), but Donald J. Trump is one of the least ready and experienced presidents in the history of this country, and even such problems were already present long before the pandemic. It’s funny how in the middle stages of the pandemic during the summer, Trump refused to wear a face mask because I believe that will mess up the fake tan in his face. Although, there is a lot of debate of how COVID-19 originated (whether it was accidental, it was done on purpose (whether by the US government or the CCP), or it just simply happened) aside from the fact that the first case was reported in China and it was spreaded through zoonosis (when one species can transmit diseases to other species, including humans).

    13. I am also not into politics as I find it is quite complex for a simple person like myself. Regarding current situation President Trump was quite stubborn, especially towards this pandemic. Smallpox and bubonic plague in 1492 had go down in history for its disastrousness and he should have learned from it. President Trump’s optimistic response regarding the virus has lent the opportunity for his opponent’s party, the Democrats, to strike him down as the election is approaching. On the other hand, I doubted that the government made COVID as there have been many widely known solid evidence claimed that COVID was from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Anyhow, there were a lot of theories made, some were quite an interesting and aroused the idea of possible plot twist of this situation. Other than that, this pandemic obligated us to stay in for the safety of our own self as well as others. I’m thankful for the advanced technology that we are receiving, which enables us to get things done remotely and minimize direct interaction during this critical time period.

  5. Donald Trump is one of the most irresponsible, childish, and disrespectful presidents on this earth to take life and death situations as a joke and putting our country in danger because of the decisions he makes. He's so wrong for saying that people should catch the virus and get sick, but because of the negative comment that he spoke on our country and the lives of people, now he got the virus. Then, my grandfather used to fight for this country and died from a heart attack and I feel offended that Donald Trump said that soldiers were suckers and losers because he also referring those words to my grandfather. To be honest, Donald Trump needs to be kicked out the white house and we need a better president that actually got some sense and responsible enough to take care of this country, especially our lives.

    1. I agree why do we even have that man in office he is the biggest man child I have ever seen or heard in my life. The ridiculous things that he says are very insensitive to every religion, ethnicity, and many people that he came across during the past three years that he was in office. All that the president has done is caused, this country had its fair share of trouble it doesn’t need any more childish acts from our president the person who is supposed to leading the country but instead is tweeting about the chaos in the world instead of acting on the crisis.

    2. I completely agree with your statement. Donald Trump has shown the American people how incompetent he is to be president, and the fact he called those who died in the war "suckers" and "losers" shows how the president has no remorse for the people, and will probably run another 4 years to benefit himself. he clearly doesnt care about the people, he actually just wants the benefits of being president and will probably end up killing more americans during this times.

    3. The fact that the absolute disrespect that Donald Trump has for the lives lost due to the Covid-19 pandemic is not the worst part of his character shows how much of a mistake his election was in 2016. Donald Trump has no place to criticize President Obama for the Ebola outbreak when nearly the same amount of Americans killed on 9/11 are dying every single day under his “leadership.” Only more division and hatred has come from the presence of his administration, and it feels humiliating to be a citizen of the United States, where this was supposedly the “best” candidate one of our major parties could present to us.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I totally agree that Donald Trump is one of the most disrespectful presidents on this earth. Donald Trump should learn to stay and behave in the sophisticated manner as per his position. He needs to work according to the American Constitution and he is liable for keeping the positive dignity of the country among the citizens and the whole world by his deeds. Under his tenure as a President, it is noted that the number of cases of “police killing black men” has been increasing. Furthermore, he insulted the brave arm forces of America by calling them “suckers” as a leader; it is the duty of President Trump to motivate the soldiers instead of giving them inappropriate titles.

    6. I totally agree with your discussion over President Donald Trump. The last four year of his presidency has been a whole joke. President Trump does not seem to be leading our country but instead doing it for power to himself. For instance, when Covid-19 had entered our country Trump did not take it seriously. Instead of preparing the country for a pandemic he made jokes such as telling his supporters to digest bleach to kill the virus and also making racist comments calling the virus “the chinese virus”. Many asians were beaten half to death as many believed asians were the reason for the virus, Trump's continued racist comment just added more people to believe it was carried by asians.

  6. I also agree that our President, Trump, is probably one of the worst presidents to walk the earth. He does not only make the worse decisions, he also, lies blatantly, he has lied about many things he would do upon election and he brushes most problems to the side. Not just that, he acts so arrogantly, like if everything is fine or everything is going according to plan, but the matter of fact is that the guy does not know what he is doing. If he would have acted and taking the virus seriously since the beginning, this probably would of have not happened.

    1. Almost everyone would agree that Donald Trump surpassed the worst expectative. His personality is not the best towards the sympathy he brings to the American population, even though, there is people who support him, and I will not say it is wrong, but there is something that does not fit with him as the president. Hopefully, the upcoming elections, I do not really know if the time already passed, but if it did not, we could see another person in charge of the changing for good seasons many desires to live in. Time will tell, but no matter what, we have to come to a solution, without quitting.

  7. I’m not much of a political person but it doesn’t take a genius to know that the person in office is a complete and utter fool. Trump doesn’t know what he is doing or how to be properly running a country. He needs to stop tweeting about some of the most ridiculous and most childish things on twitter and start focusing on the country and its people. We the People are going through a massive pandemic not only with COVID-19 but with racism from many different police forces that murder innocent black people because they were so-called “resisting arrest” or “not complying” with police officers.

    1. Neal, I understand and share your frustrations! This administration’s COVID-19 response has left me very disappointed and upset. I’m not much of a political person either, but it’s very frustrating to see the lack of leadership in the White House. We’re quite literally watching a man-child have a temper-tantrum in front of the media or on Twitter when things don’t go his way or favor him. A big source of my frustration with the president and his lackeys’ response to this pandemic is their lack of trust in doctors and science in general. I think that the strong resistance that has come against protective measures, like wearing a mask in public, is in large part due to the president’s nonchalant approach to COVID-19 and his need to discredit and counter every physician that doesn’t fit into the Republican pandemic narrative. This brings me to the biggest source of my frustration: the politicization of a virus. As far as I know, viruses don’t register Democrat or Republican; they’re usually in the business of harming your body. So, like you and many of our classmates, I resent the fact that Trump can’t set aside his political agenda and make a genuine attempt at propagating the general well-being of the American people.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Well this is actually shocking, the fact the one of the most powerful individuals in the world, could not remember who the U.S fought beside in world war 1 is actually mind blowing, and to insult to injury he refused to visit a U.S cemetery because he was afraid to get his hair messed up, that's insane. in my opinion i think the president is not qualify for the position because of how he handle the pandemic by calling a "hoax" and telling Americans not to wear a mask. The fact that the new white house doctor has no experience and has told americans to get the virus and build immunity if they survive is crazy.

    1. I also agree! Presidential candidates should have a good background in politics and the justice system. Just like senator Kamala Harris said in the vice presidential debate has more than enough qualifications to become Vice President. She has done it all weather she was in the courtroom or in the public eye doing what she does best as a senator. As far as Trump we have never seen him as a politician or activist it was also obvious that he wanted to become president only to support big corporations and business.

  10. I believe that Donald Trump has done nothing but make things worst during the pandemic. Instead of handling things in a better manner he makes irresponsible choices that puts thousands of lives at risk. He is a horrible president; he is always negatively talking about wearing masks and he constantly tells people not to fear the virus, even after thousands and thousands of people have died all over the world. I think it is ridiculous that he has a doctor in the white house that has no experience in diseases and whose medical field is radiology. Trump would never wear a mask to his events and he always made fun of Joe Biden for wearing a mask. Now look at trump, he got the virus, yet he does nothing to encourage people to wear a mask and stay safe instead he says people should get sick. That comes to show how terrible of a person he is and how he does not care about anyone else but himself.

    1. I’m not a person to be so negative, but I will say this: I believe Trump got what he deserved when he got the virus after making fun of Biden for wearing a mask. He hasn’t did anything productive for the citizens in regards of this worldwide pandemic and on top of that, he’s a very childish person and is not fit to lead a nation. I also agree that he does nothing to encourage people to wear a mask and instead says we should get sick instead. This would risk the lives of millions and is not something a president of the United States should be saying, especially to those who have a higher health risk. I honestly hope there’s an increase of individuals that will be voting this year to let their opinion be known instead of letting a man child get elected again.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The past few months have been a total disaster. We are getting close to 2021 and so far there hasnt been many good news. The COIVD-19 virus is still out and with no vaccine or any sort of medical help for this. Even the president has the virus but he keeps going out without this mask. Many people wont even use a mask because they dont like it and get aggressive about it. I was suppose to attend on-campus. Being on-campus is so much better than online because Its much simpler than being home especially living with family although its not a bad thing i believe many of us gets side tracked since where home our place where we feel at home. The president hasnt really done anything all he managed to do is be on twitter going on with his rants about how the Chinese gave us the disease or almost starting WW3. He managed to give us a stimulus check but at the same time he gave unemployment benefits to everyone even the ones that just sit at home and do nothing even before this pandemic started while the ones that are working dont even make enough for ours selves. I just hope by 2021 something great happens

    1. i agree with you jose too was suppose to attend on campus class which i do find WAY more better then online classes you are able to comprehend more. but talking about trump in this last couple months we have till 2021 nothing new has came up about the viruses or the laws of mask and the cures who knows whatever can happen next between now and the new year i wont be surprise to what trump can start or even make up. i just hope that everything clears up asap and we can go back to campus asap because this online class is pretty challenging at some points.

    2. I agree with you, our president really is something else, it literally feels like we have no president, he acts like such as a child and the fact that he had the virus and still didn't wear a mask is setting such a big example on to what not to do, he's such a hypocrite about so many things , and it is his fault so many people died during this pandemic and the reason why the cases won't go down and why many of us are struggling with to find work and pay rent and take classes online which is a bit more stressful for many of us and adding onto not hearing any good news with the year 2021 coming in with the president that we hav and the damage that he has made , I don't think there would be any good news about covid-19 because from what I heard his solution to no more covid is for everyone to get infected by covid so he can inject them with the immune shot which is a bad thing for our human body

  13. Nice read! But I would have to disagree with you on trumps serious statement about voting. In a way, in my opinion, he’s shedding light on how bad the state governments and Doctors have mislead the American people, when it comes to COVID-19. By the two party’s not being as one and causing unnecessary lockdowns, they have cause this depression we are witnessing. Even with all the name calling and school house bullying President trump has received. He has accomplished a lot for the American people and it’s sad, because many Americans don’t or won’t hear about. Because of mismanagement done by the media. So far, I believe number 45 has done as much as he could do to the circumstances.

  14. I think that the president is smart in knowing what his demographic is and knowing that he should appeal most to them and just dismiss the people who don't support him. All the things we find repulsive about how he goes about being president is the same things his base eats up as him being a true leader and what the "American people" need. When in fact the majority acknowledges how bad a person and president he is, that is why there has been a surge in the people who are out voting. Those that were neutral in the previous election have come out to vote as they have seen what Trump has done in his four years, and especially this last year. He did not take the initiative to prevent the spread of the virus and that is why 200,000 plus people have died due to his incompetency. Another reason is that the young generation has come of age to be eligible to vote and they have made strides to correct the shortcomings and mistakes previous generations have allowed like destroying the environment and dealing with social injustices.

    1. I completely agree with your post. The president is smart in that he knows how to rally up his followers and completely convince them that his lies are not lies. They somehow just believe everything he says without fact checking a thing. That only causes a divide in us as a nation. I am so happy that our younger generations are out here educating themselves and voting to make a positive change in our country. It is time for us to stop dismissing science and to stop ignoring the social injustices that our country has. Our country is not "great", therefor we cannot "Keep America Great". We must have change.

    2. Yes! I agree that Trump has failed to take initiative to prevent COVID from spreading and as a President that should have been a main priority. He is also an entertainer and most of the people that believe his ideologies are just as bad as he is. Due to COVID life as we know it has been changed entirely. There are less job and students can’t attend school. A lot of people are overweight due to having to quarantine for many weeks or months.

    3. I think you are right; Donald Trump knows how to stoke up his own fanbase. I think though a part of why Donald Trump was able to win in 2016 was because of the controversy facing Hillary Clinton. The issue with the e-mails as well as people being tired of politicians promising things and not coming through with them led to people being enamored with Trump. Here was a guy who was not afraid to go after members of his own party and is not a lifelong politician like Hillary was. People thought they could give him a chance and have someone who is not a politician to lead to country. Obviously the last four years have been interesting to put it mildly, people have realized that they made a big mistake in electing Trump, so they have come out in droves to vote him out. I do not think the young voter fanbase has been going out as much as you think it is, Bernie Sanders is popular in the younger demographic, he was able to win the first few states because the moderate democrats split the votes, when they all resigned and Joe Biden came out as the main moderate democrat he beat Bernie soundly. I think the majority of the increased votes now, is neutral people in 2016 that have decided to vote Trump out.

  15. In my opinion, i feel there is a big difference between politics or business and a person has to be really rooted in each to really achieve their best result in each department. President Trump has allows been a business man and a core one at that even though he claim loses on his business and was recently disclosed by new York times news that he had only paid $750 in taxes since the last four years and till date, he hasn't been able to show the people of American his tax returns. However his business must surely be doing good to have been able to keep it up all this years. which means HE IS A SUCCESSFUL business man. As a business man, he has always has people serve him and be accountable to him but this new route of presidency, is strange to him as politics requires you to serve the people and be accountable to them. He is not a man that feels the importance of accountability and service to his subject in that way he kept making decisions that risk the lives of Americans. Aside from not paying attention to climate change, how his immigration policy has broken a lot of families separated, the issue of Covid also shows his incompetence in the field of politics and accountability/ welfare to his subject or citizens. American has always been the giant of the world but today American is the number one country struggling with keeping covid under check as the president had encourage a premature reopening of the economy giving rise to the spark of covid as a result of that reopening. As a student going back to class is so scary because i would be contacting with other students who might have been exposed, or possibly a carrier of the various who might just have been careless and might spread the virus to other student. I feel the reopening of the school is so premature as we don't know all about covid yet.

  16. I feel that this pandemic was not taken seriously from the beginning. Trump wanted Obama to resign because 3 people died from Ebola in the United States while thousands of people are dying in one single day too due to corona virus. Now that the virus has worsen we now have to figure out how to continue everyday life while fighting a deadly virus. Students can’t go to school and due to them being home most are forced to pay bills and get a job whereas Job searching can be difficult because there is high unemployment and jobs are scarce. If COVID 19 was presented earlier with warnings and not just a complete shut down there would of been less people dying and getting sick.I feel that Trump has neglected the people and was very irresponsible as the president of the United States to allow such to occur.

  17. I feel that this pandemic was not taken seriously from the beginning. Trump wanted Obama to resign because 3 people died from Ebola in the United States while thousands of people are dying in one single day too due to corona virus. Now that the virus has worsen we now have to figure out how to continue everyday life while fighting a deadly virus. Students can’t go to school and due to them being home most are forced to pay bills and get a job whereas Job searching can be difficult because there is high unemployment and jobs are scarce. If COVID 19 was presented earlier with warnings and not just a complete shut down there would of been less people dying and getting sick.I feel that Trump has neglected the people and was very irresponsible as the president of the United States to allow such to occur.

    1. This Pandemic was without a doubt all on trump and his Ego. for him to come after Obama after only 3 people passing away from ebola is ridiculous. no matter who you are you are suffering from this virus. me and my significant other just had our first baby in march and i feel as if daily tasks would be alot easier if this wasnt happening. online school isnt the hardest thing to do but when everything happening in the world is piling on and on it becomes hard to focus and take care of whats really important. I agree with what you say about trump neglecting the people especially those that became unemployed, couldnt get unemployment but the company they previously worked for received a bailout... yet all we got was $1200.

  18. Our 45th president Donald Trump does not care about us and lacks on the common decency to show respect. We can all agree that just becasue he is our presdinet does not mean that he is entitled to do whatever he wants. Even with our most recent pandemic he is yet to show an example for the American people. He constantly contradicts on what the CDC (Centers for disease control)says regarding what should be done to keep the spread of COVID-19. The lack of intelligence that he processes often makes his followers believe everything that he says even if the statement is absurd.

  19. How our president, Donald Trump, decided to react to the Coronavirus pandemic is relatively similar to the European 1492 exploration. The Columbian exchange affected the discovery of the Americas with the main culprit, diseases such as smallpox, measles, diphtheria, yellow fever, and the flu. The form in which President Trump is attending the issue of the Coronavirus appears to lead the same path as the Columbian exchange, death. Today there are vaccines for diseases such as the flu, smallpox, and many more. During the 2020 Election Presidential Debate, President Trump spoke about creating a vaccine for the Coronavirus. Besides the vaccine, the President and Vice President can do far more to prevent the growth of the virus. Lockdown was a physically healthy option, but it only lasted a short period. For now, many want this pandemic to conclude but are not sure if it will any time soon.

  20. It has become extremely that the 45th president does not at all care for his citizens. I don’t agree with conservatives' views personally, but even him, a “republican” has managed to be an embarrassment to the political party. At this point, being proudly republican is an immediate connection to being affiliated with white supremacy groups such as the KKK and the Proud Boys. Trumpet and friends handled COVID 19 horribly, leading to the death of thousands of american people. People who had put their trust on their president were sacrificed in the name of egoism. And you would think being in charge of one of the biggest countries would change a man. Trump has remained the same racist, misogonistic, homophobic and just down right idiot man he has always been.

  21. Covid-19 would've been long gone if our president would have took immediate action after hearing about it but instead he underestimated the effect of the virus and decided deliberately to leave everything as is. This solely action shows that this man is not a good leader of the biggest and most powerful country in the world. On the other side, countries like New Zealand, and Australia took effective immediate action as soon as they heard about the virus and shutdown the whole country. Meanwhile, Trump was going up on press conferences blaming China for the virus and trying to play down the effectiveness of masks. Now the United States of America holds the highest Covid-19 cases in the world and to top it the highest death rate from Covid-19. This is not a president you that you can depend on when we are facing national crisis.

    1. Yes, Donald Trump is a very arrogant and egotistical president, and it would always be mystery of how he made it to White House. He is not fit for politics and decision making. His lack of responsibly and taking care of the needs of the people, caused the U.S to have the high rate of COVID 19 that we are experiencing now. He should have immediately quarantined the country, and have doctors find a cure for this virus. Instead, he only acted when the number of cases increased, and by then it was already uncontrollable. Now we are dealing with a crisis that is likely to cause many more deaths.

    2. I completely agree with EVERY word you wrote. If action was taken sooner, we wouldn't be where we are now. I remember watching the news (because that's the only channel my dad watches,) and Covid-19 was talked about worldwide. All of a sudden it's so bad we go into lockdown and things haven't changed in months. If we went into a strict lockdown sooner and let things open slowly, our numbers would not be as high as it is now. You can stop the ball rolling at the top of the hill, not when it's already coming down. We can't fix stupid, but we need to stop entertaining it.

  22. COVID19 had the potential to be the one thing that brought everyone together. A virus that did not care about age, color, gender would affect all people. However, this isn’t even completely true because it has been reported that older adults are more susceptible to complications from the virus, and people of colour and poorer neighborhoods have been more affected by the pandemic. Nevertheless, for arguments sake, COVID-19 was one thing that every could have agreed was bad for the nation. But no, even that was politicized. I think that often times people take their stance on certain issues based on party allegiance more than anything else. American partisanship is not only ridiculous, it is unpractical. The division usually rests on false dichotomies and implicit biases because it seems like both parties are often more interested in furthering antirepublican or antidemocratic agendas more than anything else. Let us also forget that our President often calls any meaningful criticism of his policies ‘fake news’. In his regime we have seen the loss of the value of expertise by his repeated undermining of health organizations such as the CDC. The only sure thing I can hold onto is that I don’t know when it will be safe to go outside without a mask. I wonder if Santa Claus and his elves will be wearing masks at the mall this year.

    1. I completely agree with what youy said about this virus could have brought us Americans together. In American i see so much division which really makes me sad personally but also because i know that we can not prosper as a nation when we are fighting amongst ourselves. I believe this whole pandemic could have been handle way better not just by the president but all of us. Instead this year of virus bring us together as Americans i feel like it having the total opposite affect. I also don'yt know when this virus problem will be over but i hope sooner than later. I think it's a;so funny what you said about Santa and the elves.
