Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Interesting Times Become Frightful Times

Schedules change but routine remains the same: work for me and my wife, school work for Julius, walks and bike rides. Julius has lost his independence from us, A lot of kids have lost their independence from their parents. They are with their parents all of the time. Before the virus, kids had the opportunity to demonstrate independence from their parents at school, at the park or playground after school, at sports or dance lessons, or countless other activities that are not happening now. How is that affecting our children, bot now and in the future? Hopefully kids are resilient and they will bounce back. 

The Johnson Space Center has moved to Stage 3, which allows for a few hundred people to begin working onsite, the History Office not being one of those essential offices. So for at least the next four weeks my wife and I will continue to share an office, which we have been doing for about 8 weeks or so now. 

Julius went out for the first time since school ended for Spring Break (March 15th, I think). He went with me to Lowes, masked up of course. He did not like it. Kept scratching his nose through his mask, so that experiment will not be repeated anytime soon. 

I am still the hunter/gatherer for the family. Retaining a fully stocked bunker (deep freezer and shelves in the garage as back up supplies). Much easier to get just about everything these days except for hand sanitizer and hand wipes, which I can make both of much more cost effective that buying them. 

With the transportation system is disarray and the federal government unwilling or unable to do anything to help out, millions of pigs and cows are having to be euthanized. Which means the price of meat is going up, the price of food is going up dramatically. The federal government will not step in and provide assistance like they did under FDR during the Great Depression. Trump is acting more like Hoover, if Hoover had social media. To be fair, Hoover did launch the RFC which was more than Trump has been capable of doing. So much hunger in the country. Unemployment racing towards 20% and as of today, May 21st, the death total from the virus well above 90,000. This is unbelievable.