Tuesday, August 18, 2020


 Here's a trailer I made (using iMovie) for my US History classes. 


  1. It was awesome. It is incredibly have fast the time goes and see how some recent events are now part of our history. I love the class mascot. I am excited to start the course.
    Arlette Franco

    1. Just as you mentioned it is quite awesome that time seems to fly on by and what we now perceive as something being a "current" event is basically a part of history that will one day will most likely be studied much like we study history at the moment. The events such as hurricanes that have hit us like for example, Harvey, not too long ago did end up marking history and could be something that will be compared to other hurricanes in a near future to come. Events that we are currently facing like COVID or even protests that have happed will also be included in history as something that has affected our society and everyday living.

    2. Candy, I agree with you time does fly by and if we do not stop and take our time to see things, we miss a great deal. I can remember growing up and facing some of our country’s significant events, that shaped who we are as a country. Imagine one day our children and ancestors will be reading or seeing and learning about the world we live in and judging it with 20/20 hindsight and may ask themselves “how could they live like that”. I too believe that this pandemic has and will forever change the way we see the world. Our new norm as we call it will one day change again and if we live long enough may bear witness to the change this world has in store for it.

  2. I really enjoyed that. I can't wait for class to start, I hope you don't mind me sharing your movie trailer to Facebook.

  3. Love this. Also, looking forward to class

  4. I’m so excited for class to start!!

  5. I love this one. It makes the class so interesting. What type of book are we going to use? Can't wait to start

    1. I love this as well. It's amazing the tools one can use to motivate others. Technology has really helped and hurt society. I feel like the pros outweigh the cons though. So far, this class has been my favorite this semester because of the freedom to learn on my own. I also enjoy how involved Dr. JRN is with his videos and assignments. What class are you taking of his? I am in HIST 1301. American History is the best because it never ends. At this very moment we are going through life and making our own history. Living through a global pandemic, might just be the craziest situation we will all live through ever. Also, social injustices around the country have created a ripple of change and protest. People are actually talking about it.
      Matthew Spradlin

    2. I am also in Hist 1301 and so far, DR. JRN has shown the positive aspect of technology through using it to help teach students and to better aid the learning process with resources through technology. It’s very involved and helps to understand assignments and the resources themselves are helpful if you don’t know some of the basics. For example, the videos on writing historically and Chicago style really helped in understanding where the expectations were at. I also like the format of the info and what I mean by that is not the original info like what happened at a event but focuses primarily why and how. That way it goes into depth and makes analytical connections that brings the interest in learning.

  6. Love it! I can see you love what you teach, and I’m excited to learn with you.

  7. I agree, Dr. JRN is a great online teacher. He knows how to properly give instructions on canvas. If I do not understand the work I would just read over the syllabus and it helps because it is well detailed. I am also taking the 1301 History course and it is basically the same thing but different times in life. I like the way he is so engaged into his work and students. It just make online learning so easier. Normally I would get frustrated in some of my online classes because the teachers act like they do not know how to give out understandable instructions. But Dr. JRN is a good teacher overall have not spotted any flaws.

  8. Amazing! I like history classes because thats the class you get to learn about the important things that people before you did and their mistakes so that I don't make them. Although I have trouble writing a historical thesis and maybe writing a historical essay, I am excited to see what I can learn in your class.

  9. When signing up for my fall courses I was very skeptical on choosing history 1301. Solely due to the fact that all throughout high school I was an average "historian" maybe it was the instructors fault or just maybe I just didn't apply myself. Nevertheless I find myself enjoying history 1301, Im not sure if it that I enjoy your work ethic or if you're just a packers fan (I think you are i'm alluding to that because you said Aaron Rodgers was playing great football). For example I don't think I ever had a instructor make a trailer for their own respected subject. I don't regret taking this course in the slightest.

  10. To be honest when I signed up for this class I did not know what to expect. I am a foreigner I have no idea about US History. I have learned about the European history for that what was taught in our home country as part of our elective. But I was so fascinated so far of what I have been learning from this class.The statement of "history do repeat itself" is quite true. What was happening from before is still and continue to happen up until today. Incidences that happens in the past is still going until right now such as racism, inequality and justice for everyone is still a thing that we are all still figuring out. I do enjoy every moment I have in this class and what I have been learning so far. It was an adventure for me when I took it and it was a great one so far.
